I think that I am working out and then I sit and reflect.

Accountability time:
Monday Jan 28.  Legs?
Tuesday Jan 29.  Swimming?
Wednesday Jan 30. Back strengthening lifting with Patrick
Thursday Jan 31Swimming?
Friday Feb 1.  Got stuck at the school.  Walked 4-6 blocks while lugging groceries and my backpack.
Saturday Feb 2.  Went to a 95th birthday party for Grandpa Ricks 
Sunday Feb 3.  Rest
Monday Feb 4.  Walked and Ran 4 miles.  3 were jogging. Hurts my hips.
Tuesday Feb 5.  Warm up Exercises.  Spent time getting to know Danille Weaver.  We shared workout knowledge.  Swam about 6 lengths and did kicks in the water.  Sauna and spa time.  More of a relax day.

Okay.  So now I know where my progression stands.  Feels like I'm doing something at the gym.  But looks like I'm simply putzing around. 

Kick it time!

Triceps, Biceps, Back.  It all needs to be worked on.  Today Patrick had me do some lifts that I still don't know the name of.  First, we warmed up with 15 reps 20lbs kettle bell swings.   I wonder when I should tell him that its too easy?  Well, maybe next time.  Then I stepped into a first.  You stand between the machines and pull on the cables from both sides.  I stepped forward and did air flexing.   That's the best I can explain.  Worked the Biceps and, wow, I only had 5lbs on each side.   I felt humbled.  Lat Pull Downs I've done since High School so I cranked up the weight.  However, today, Patrick corrected my form, and I now official use my back muscles instead of my arms.  Whoops.   So those three exercises were 1 group.  I did three sets.

The second group was a bicep hammer curl using cables.  A modified row using cables.  A tricep pull using cables and another type of rowing exercise where I pretended I was opening French doors.   Good bicep workout.

Breakfast.   Shake.   1/2 avocado.  Slim & Sassy Chocolate 1 scoop. 8 oz of almond milk.
I also took my Lifelong Vitality Pack and drank Slim & Sassy.  I like the flavor, but at this point, the craving for chocolate doesn't exactly go away.  And, I seem to be craving carbs more.

I took a bath and put 8 drops DigestZen in the water.   Too much.  Made my legs burn.  So far I liked the effect that rubbing 1 drop on the belly did for me.  I had 3 or 4 bowel movements today and found myself urinating more frequently.

I found a gazillion uses for On Guard.   Amazing stuff. 

This morning my body popped me out of bed around 5:40am.  I wanted to sleep more, but decided I might as well go to the gym.

Got there and started with foam rolling.  About 6:40, Patrick, my trainer, came over and asked if we were scheduled for the day. 
-"Well, my 6:30 cancelled and I had incorrectly penciled you in for 7am today, do you want have a training sesson even though you are scheduled for Wednesday?"
-"Yep, let's go."

I want to trim down my legs and burn the fat found there.  In High School I had rock solid thighs, and with my workouts I can feel those muscles forming under the 2 inch fat layers.   Like to see that melt away.  So Patrick said we'd basically AMRAP.  

Hip Sled.  Regularly stance.  135 pounds.  As many reps as possible.   The first set I think I did 50, 35, 30, 30, 30.   Those burneth!
Hip Sled.  Wide stance.  115 pounds.  The squatting motion hurt my back on the 135 so we lightened it.  I could typically AMRAP 20-30
Calf Walking.   I am very awkward when it comes to balance.  All I had to do is walk around the gym twice rolling in a heel to toe motion.  While on the toe, it became a toe rise and I was to tighten my calf.   Ha.  I kept losing my balance.  The last set I chose to lift up my arms in goal post fashion with my shoulders back and head up.  Might as well work on posture while working on balance.

So if that wasn't enough I decided to do a cool down with 20 minutes of walking and a swim for 1/2 hour.  I practiced making the "s" motion in the water.  How can something like an "s" be so complicated?  I found gulping water came with the practice.

Was going to stop but thought I would go to spin class too.   There's the cardio!  Wished I had my inhaler with me today.  I was so tired when I got home, I fell asleep.   Later, I rubbed on doTerra Deep Blue.  I am going to see if it really takes away the aches.

Sipping On Guard and Slim and Sassy.    I can feel a cold coming on and I had not diffused or sipped On Guard for a week now.   Come to think of it, when I starting using On Guard, my cold went away.  For this week I have not used it and I have a drippy nose and like I'm catching a cold.  

There may actually be something to this!


    I love DIY shows and art projects.  So I've turned my own body into a DIY project and plan to do some sculpting.
    This blog follows food intake, workouts, supplements, moods, and goals.  Oh, maybe a thought or two and a story also.


    January 2013


    Workout Log